Webinar Consultants: What to look out for (checklist inside)

Are you planning to organize a webinar? These are the things you need to consider or make sure you webinar consultant has thought of. Planning, recording and follow up are key tasks for your webinar consultants.

Do you want to know how to make it successful? A webinar can help you with the desired benefits if organized properly. It demands a lot of planning, powerful and effective content, proven promotional strategies, and collaboration to organize a webinar. You need to plan everything to ensure better exposure.

Key Points in the article:

  1. Planning, recording, and follow-up are important tasks for a successful webinar.
  2. A webinar requires careful planning, powerful content, promotional strategies, and collaboration.
  3. A skilled and experienced webinar consultant can help ensure the success of a webinar.
  4. A webinar consultant can handle various aspects of a webinar, including content creation and promotion, and can provide guidance on budget and desired outcomes.

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...and have your webinar live within the next 10-14 days

However, if you are organizing a webinar for the first time, you might not expect the best outcome. It might not be easier for you to plan everything immaculately with careful observation. Here a webinar consulting service comes in.

If you hire a skilled and experienced webinar consultant, you can expect the most out of your investment. It is worth mentioning that you will have to consider experienced and reputed names even if you need to spend a little more. Experienced webinar consultants understand the entire process. They know how to create a favorable environment for all the attendees. They will take care of everything from software to content creation to content management to marketing. Once they will start working for you, you will not have to be bothered much for success. They know how to make a webinar successful and develop a curiosity for the second one.

Are you still confused? Do you want to know why you should spend on webinar consultants when you can manage everything? We understand your concerns, and we will try our best to answer all your queries. In the following, you will know why you should hire an experienced and reliable webinar consulting service. Also, we will discuss the considering factors to hire the professional. Keep reading to know how a webinar consultant makes a difference in the result.

Why should you hire a webinar consultant?

Why do you want to organize a webinar? What is your objective? Are you thoroughly experienced to manage everything without any additional help? You will have to get the answers to these questions before deciding the next step. While planning to organize a webinar, you must be trying to leave a lasting impression. Even if you have the industry knowledge, you might not achieve the desired benefits. Arranging a webinar demands a lot of things rather than simply managing a few people.

You would like to get the desired exposure to attract more attendees. Also, you will have to market your webinar on different platforms to reach a larger level of the audience. You will have to start with an engaging landing page. The landing page needs to add all the essential information that includes the date and time, topic, speakers, and a call-to-action to motivate people to sign up.

An experienced webinar consultant understands all these factors. These professionals will take the required measures to ensure maximum benefits. They will work with you throughout to discuss the process and outcome. They will work on all the possible ways to attract attendees to your webinar. Let’s know how a webinar consultant can help you to arrange a successful webinar.

What does a webinar consultant do?

The duties of a webinar consultant revolve around your webinar. That means the professional will cover every aspect from the content creation and promotion to post-webinar follow up. As they are specialized and experienced in event management, they can develop the content and plan the marketing strategies depending on your webinar needs. They can help you to organize different types of webinars and get the desired benefits even in adverse conditions. In brief, you can say that you can take their suggestion on everything from the budget of webinars to the outcome.

There is no doubt that you will find many options in webinar consultants. Some of them are experienced and reputed as well. Take the advantage of their experience. Yes, you will have to choose a reliable name to ensure a better outcome. An experienced webinar consultant can do all the following jobs effortlessly and effectively.

Sign up page design and API integration

Sign up page will have a great role to influence the potential attendees. If you lack the experience, you might not do your best to design a page that can attract many. Here, the experience will work. A webinar consultant will have the experience of handling a similar kind of webinars. They know what to do and which mistakes they should avoid for maximizing the exposure. They can write the script and create slides. They will do all the efforts to attract more people. They will make the sales page inspiring and motivating. As a result, the page will drive more attendees to your webinar.

Presenter training

You might choose the best speakers for your webinar. However, you might not train them to deliver the presentation effectively. A webinar consultant can help with his/her experience. An experienced professional will train them for the presentation and design their slides. Consultants can train each presenter and your entire team depending on your webinar needs. Some choose person-to-person training, and others go with team training. Presenters will be aware of software usage and other technologies to make the presentation easy and inspiring.

Software management

You will have to use software for your webinar. If you are inexperienced, you might not choose the right software. At the same time, you will not be able to manage the software properly. As a result, you might encounter some major problems during the webinar. However, if you hire a webinar consulting service, they will take care of the software selection and management. They know which software can be the best option for your webinar and how to manage the software effortlessly. Also, a consultant can help you to choose the right software even if your budget is restricted. They will make your speakers comfortable with a practice session. Once your speakers will be familiar with technologies, they can easily handle everything.

Pre-webinar engagement

You will have to promote your webinar in every possible way to expect better success. For this, you will have to ensure pre-webinar engagement. If you hire a consultant, he/she will follow all the proven strategies to get better engagement. They will promote your webinar on social media and other channels. They will introduce the topic and the speakers. They will start the promotion much before the due date to attract more attendees to your webinar. They can write and present the white-paper to enable people to know more about your webinar. They will use email marketing. They might plan for surveys and similar things to develop a curiosity in people. As they are experienced, they will have many proven and innovative ideas to get pre-webinar engagement.

Live webinar production

As we know, the success of a webinar depends on marketing strategies and content. You will have to take care of everything from production to marketing. You might not get the perfection in the absence of skills. It will demand more time as well. But a consultant can do this job flawlessly at the fastest possible time. They know how and when to do it. They will build the HTML, landing pages, email invitations, search ads, and banner ads for the promotion. You cannot do all these things without expertise. Also, they will upload slides, manage software, run technical sessions, moderate the event, deliver the reports, and record the entire event. They will take care of content, promotion, and technical needs.


The recording is an important part of a webinar. When you will be busy with speakers and attendees, a consultant will take care of the recording. The professional will record speakers when they will narrate the presentation. Also, the consultant will manage the process, edit the audio, and sync it to the presentation. You can use the recordings of speakers to promote your next webinar and for other purposes as well.

Post-webinar follow-up

As stated earlier, webinar consultants will work with you throughout to design and organize your webinar. In addition to the above, they will take care of the post-webinar followup. They will send emails to attendees with recordings. They can enable you to build a lasting relationship with your attendees by sending them regular emails. Also, they can plan for an exit survey and on-demand recording to win the trust of people. Whenever you will plan for another webinar, you can expect all these attendees.

KPI reporting

You need to know what worked, what didn't and what to try next time.

Knowing you KPI's will help you with that.

A webinar consultant will help you to organize a successful webinar. The professional can help with practice sessions, technical familiarities, production, recording, post-webinar followup. You can expect the best outcome even if you are organizing the first webinar of your life. You can get all these benefits if you hire a reliable and reputed webinar consulting service. If you consider an inexperienced one, you might spend less. But they cannot help with the desired benefits without experience. Next, we will discuss some considering factors to hire the best webinar consultant.

Make a list of the reliable names in the industry. You can do a fair comparison to know which one can be the best choice. Check the feedback and the success rate. Also, make sure that your preferred service meets the following criteria.

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Things to look out for when choosing a webinar consultant

Developing engaging content that positions clients as thought leaders

Content needs to be powerful and unique to inspire more people. Without genuine content, you cannot attract more audience to your webinar. Therefore, you will have to ensure that the consultant has a good reputation for writing impressive and engaging scripts. The content will give you the position you are looking for. It must be engaging and relevant. You can promote your content on different platforms once the webinar is over. It is going to create space in your industry.

If the content does not interest your target, you will have difficulties to create the excitement. As a result, you cannot get the desired exposure. People might not prefer to spend their time on your webinar when the content is not appealing. While hiring a webinar consultant, you will have to first inquire about the experience. Does the consultant have experience in delivering engaging content? Has he worked on a similar topic? What was the response? Check all these factors before deciding on one.

Many can write powerful content. But they lack the inspiration. They cannot make the content appealing to inspire people. Therefore, you should ask about the previous events. If required, you can check the response as well as the content. If you are looking for engaging content, you will have to think beyond the text content. Your focus should be on all the aspects that include videos, graphics, and even feedback.

For example, if your webinar is about healthcare practices, you will have to add some real-time scenarios to make the content impressive. You will have to connect your content to the people. If you fail to do so, you will not be able to get the required exposure. Therefore, you will have to hire a consultant who has experience in writing content for your industry.

Executing marketing campaigns that connect with prospects and drive them to the events

Marketing is another key determining factor. Both marketing and content are interconnected. What will you do with genuine and powerful content if you are unable to promote it? Promotion is a must if you want to attract more people to your webinar.

Now people are super busy. They will not even consider spending ten minutes if they do not find it useful. How will they know that your webinar is helpful? Here marketing comes in. You will have to follow proven marketing strategies to reach your target. Your webinar consultant will decide the marketing strategy depending on your target. So, you will have to first ensure that you know your target, and your hired professional is well-equipped to drive their attention.

You can choose a consultant who has excellent marketing skills. The professional should know how to reach a larger level of audience within a minimum possible time. The consultant should have the skills to come with many innovative and creative ways to engage attendees.

There are many ways to promote a webinar. Webinar consultants can use different social media platforms and email marketing as well. They can share some unique features to create interests and inspire them to attend the webinar. The effort needs to be regular to create a trustworthy environment.

An experienced professional can develop a personal connection with your target. The consultant can answer their queries while sharing more information about the webinar. When your targets will have more information, they might share it with others. If the information is helpful, it will not take long to reach a larger level of the audience. We are living in a social media age. Now it does not take more than a couple of days to achieve the expected exposure.

Running flawless webinars that deliver value to attendees

In addition to the script, content management, and marketing, a webinar consultant can take care of a lot of other things. As discussed earlier, these professionals can start with your sales page. They will design the sales pages to motivate people for the registration. They know how to do it without any fail. So, make sure that you are hiring a consultant who has the experience of dealing with all the aspects of a webinar. Otherwise, you might need additional help to get the desired benefits.

As they will be using powerful content, they can inspire more people to attend the webinar. They will promote the content, train the speakers, record the events, and will take care of the post-webinar follow-up. They will develop healthy communication with attendees. They will send regular engaging emails for preparing their mind for the next webinar. They can also promote your recordings on different platforms to give you the recognition you are looking for.

All these efforts are going to make a difference. So, do proper research on the experience and skills of a webinar consulting service before going ahead with your decision.

Creating sales conversations and new clients

An experienced webinar consultant should be capable enough to create sales conversations while attracting new clients. The professional should know how to reach and inspire possible attendees. These professionals can use their experience to plan innovative strategies to create sales conversations. Here again, the content will be the determining factor. If the consultant has the experience of delivering powerful and genuine content, they can attract more attendees and convert them into clients.

In brief, you will have to consider a webinar consultant who has a good reputation in content management, marketing, technicalities, and post-webinar followup. All these will enable you to run flawless and inspiring webinars.

A webinar can be the best way to promote a service, cause, or business. You can share your experience and motivate more people to be a part of it. However, you will have to deliver quality content to make it useful for your attendees. Also, you will have to market your webinar on different platforms to get the desired exposure. You can hire a webinar consultant to take care of all your webinar needs. They know how to make a webinar successful!

You Can Have Your Webinar Live in 2 Weeks

This just some of the things you can expect when working with me...

Filled with an engaged audience

Not sure if you can find an audience and get them to sign up? Your webinar will be filled with an engaged audience - that's a garanty (see how below).

Support and pre-engagment

Your audience needs to know how and when to participate. They also need all their technical questions answered. ...and of cause be reminded to come online!

No technical issues

You don't have to learn any new software. I'll handle all  software for you and do all the nessesary testing and presenter training.

A full recording

All webinars comes with a complete recording for you to download. I'll even help you set up a site for playback or embbed it on your website if you need it.

Post-webinar follow-up

I'll follow up with attendees after the webinar to make sure they have you sales links, all their questions answer, and access to resources. Succes is in follow-up.

Complete reporting

You of course need to know what work, what didn't and how many attendies did what. I'll provide you with the important KPIs you need.

Hasle-free webinars with Guaranteed Pricing

Have you ever met a marketing company, that garanties results? ...I do!

Start-up meeting

I'll walk you through the webinar flow so you feel confident in the process

Presenter training

Presenters need to feel confident they can deliver. I also check headsets and the like.

Complete dashboard

I maintain a dashboard for our project so you can alway keep track of the progress and find the information you need

Online promotion

I handle online adds (including Facebook-adds) and make sure they are legal. ...of course.

Full webinar organisation

You basically just have to show up. I'll be hosting live, pressing the buttons, and sending all emails.

Webinar recording

I'll deliver a complete recording and help you get it online, if you need.


The signup-process ensures full GDPR compliance so you can market products relevant to the webinar

Garantied pricing

You only pay for what you get. No attendees. No payment. I garanty the success.

0 - 40 attendees live

(expected with 160 registered email adresses)

Free! - Yes free.

40 - 100 attendees live

12.400,- DDK

100 -150 attendees live

16.900,- DDK

150 - 225 attendees live

23.600,- DDK

225 - 300 attendees live

30.300,- DDK

more than 300 attendees live

36.800,- DDK

Prices are updated Jan. 1. 2023 and are listed without danish 25 % VAT